Judy Howard

Married to Eddie for 42 years and have 3 daughters, 5 grandsons, and 4 Beardies. Beardies first came into our family on April 8, 1990. I fell in love the first moment I laid eyes on Arcadias Missy Micky. Kathy Coxwell trusted her instincts that day and rehomed Missy with us.
Since 1990 I have been privileged to share my life with 5 wonderful Beardies. My Beardies have earned titles in conformation, obedience, herding & rally. They have all earned their herding instinct and Canine Good Citizen certificates. One of these Beardies was an excellent therapy dog for many years and they have all excelled at being couch potatoes. We currently live with 2 Beardies and will be adding a third to our family in the very near future.
I’ve been a member of the BCCA since 1990, was a founding member of the Magnolia Bearded Collie Club & the Carolinas Bearded Collie Club, having served as treasurer of the latter for several years. I have also been active in BCCA Rescue since 1990.
I believe that an open registry is the best way to protect the future of our breed at this time.